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Backyard Fireplace Safety


Backyard fireplaces and heaters have become more popular due to COVID19 as people look for more things to do at home and ways to safely visit with family and friends. While they are a great way to extend the outdoors there are some precautions to take so that you do not burn down your or your neighbor’s house.

Before you purchase a unit you will need to check with your local municipality as many have by-laws preventing there use in certain areas. You will also want to the following precautions:

Gas & Propane Fireplaces & Heaters
  • Check for leaks in the tanks, nozzles and hoses
  • Check for loose fittings
  • Replace your propane tank when it reaches the expiry date or when there is a sign of damage or rust and/or wear
  • Keep combustibles and flammables away from the area
Fire Pits & Chimeneas
  • Fires should be built to an appropriate size to contain it within the area of the fire pit or within the chimenea
  • Have the proper safety equipment to quickly extinguish it such as a fire extinguisher or a garden hose
  • Do not add flammable liquids to the help start the fire or burn toxic materials such as treated wood
  • Never leave a fire unattended
  • Be aware of blowing leaves and debris which can cause the fire to spread
  • Avoid burning at times when the surrounding vegetation is dry such as in the spring or during drought conditions