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Motorcycle Safety Tips

a man with a beard riding a harley davidson motorcycle

Riding season is upon us! Here’s some advice to keep you safe on the roads this season.

Take a riders training course. Whether you are a new rider or have years of experience a riding course will help you fine tune your skills and teach you the latest techniques

Dress for safety. An approved helmet, eye protection, motorcycle jacket & pants, over the ankle boots and gloves may help reduce the risk of serious injury.

Be Visible. Many drivers claim that they “just did not see” a motorcycle before colliding with it. Make sure you make eye contact with motorists before making a turn or changing lanes to ensure that they have seen you and your turn signal.  Beware of the blind spot, position yourself where others can easily see you.

Look ahead. Watch for road surface changes and potholes 12 to 15 seconds ahead of you. Avoid gravel, mud and water when possible as your bike is more likely to slide on these surfaces.

Leave Space. Leave an adequate gap between you and the vehicle in front of you. On open roads adjust your gap to at least 4 seconds.