your insurance professionals

Are you Protected from Water Damage?

flooded neighbourhood

Spring will officially arrive this week. Spring showers bring May flowers, however they also tend to bring spring flooding. Before that happens you will want to check your insurance policy to make sure you have appropriate water damage coverage.

Waiting until the flooding starts is too late to add coverage. Most insurance companies will not offer water damage coverage until the flooding risk subsides in your area.

Coverages Available

The availability of coverage will vary depending on where your home is located, your prior claims history and what insurance company you are with. These are some of the coverages typically available to add as an endorsement to your policy:

Sewer Back-Up: will cover you for damage caused by water that is forced through the sewer system back into your home

Overland Water: will cover you for direct water damage caused by the sudden & accidental entry of surface water into your home through a point at or above the surface of the ground

Ground Water: will cover you when damage is caused by water which unexpectedly enters your home through the walls of your basement

Water & Sewer Lines: this coverage will help you cover some of the cost to repair or replace your water service line or sewer line if they are damaged from a leak, rupture, collapse, break, or tear

What Can you Do to Prevent Damage

Inside Your Home

  • install a sump pump
  • install backwater valves
  • if flooding is imminent, shut off electricity to areas of the home that might be affected

Outside Your Home

  • make sure your lot is properly graded with the ground sloping away from your house so water can drain away from your basement walls
  • make sure walkways, patios, decks and your driveway have not settled over time causing water to drain toward your home
  • clear snow away from the house foundation
  • make sure downspouts extend far away from your basement wall

Contact us if you want to confirm what coverage you have or increase your existing coverage.