your insurance professionals

You have had a Car Accident – Now What?

Car accident involving two cars on the road

Being involved in a car accident is stressful. The shock of it will make it difficult to think clearly at a time when you need to make quick determinations and collect the information your insurance company will need.

Here are some quick tips of what to do following a claim?

Call Emergency Services

  • In Ontario you must report an accident if there are injuries or if the damage to the vehicles involved appears to be more than $2,000.
  • Call or go to a collision reporting centre within 24 hours if no one is injured and the damage to all vehicles appears to be less than $2,000

Record the Details

Your insurance company will need the following information to process your claim in a timely matter:

  • Name, address and phone number of the other drivers involved
  • Obtain the name of the insurance company and the policy number for each driver involved
  • Take note of the license plate number for each vehicle involved
  • If possible take pictures of the scene before the vehicles are moved and photos of the damage to each vehicle

After the Accident

  • Contact your insurance broker. We can advise you of the options you have to get your car repaired, what your policy covers and the potential impact on your policy premiums
  • If the claim occurs after hours you can always contact your insurance company directly on their 24/7 claim line